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We’re a charity with one service – suicide support. Your donation will make sure someone who cares is listening, face-to-face when someone is feeling suicidal.

£5 per

will support 2 face-to-face appointments for someone feeling suicidal.

Donate now

£15 per month

will support 5 face-to-face appointments for someone feeling suicidal.

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£25 per month

will support 9 appointments – the average time it takes for a visitor’s suicidality to reduce.

Donate now

or choose your own amount

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will support 1 individual to access their first appointment.

Donate £30


will pay for text reminders for 625 individuals.

Donate £50


will support our team to contact 11 newly referred suicidal individuals and register them with TLP.

Donate £100

or choose your own amount

Donate now

Why we need your help


People take their own life everyday in the UK.


Fewer than 50% of those who kill themselves have been in touch with secondary mental health services in the 12 months prior to their attempt.


referrals received per month from people who need our help.


Volunteers will deliver appointments 7 days a week, 364 days a year.

As one Visitor put it...

I can honestly say that without the Listening Place I wouldn't be here today. At the time of my first visit I was in a place where ending my life was a welcoming thought. Over the many months, I have seen myself grow and change. Just having someone to talk to and listen with no judgment has been the cornerstone to my recovery.

Of every £1 donated to The Listening Place

85p goes directly towards providing our face-to-face support for people who feel suicidal.

Other ways to support The Listening Place

Fundraising at work

There are plenty of ways your company can support The Listening Place through fundraising events at work.

Leave a gift in your Will

A gift in your will can leave hope to people who are feeling suicidal.

Is volunteering for you?

We need warm, empathetic and caring individuals who want to help others and have the time to offer ongoing, non-judgmental, face-to-face support.